Search Framework:
Namespace: WealthLab.Backtest

The IMetricsReportHost interface is used in the ScoreCard extension API, and helps ScoreCards define a layout for their performance reports. It is passed to the ScoreCard as a parameter of the LayoutMetricsReport method.

void AddHeader(string header)

Add a header with the text specified in the header parameter to the performance report.

void AddMetricDateTime(string itemName, string label = null)

Adds a DateTime metric value to a performance metrics report. Pass the Name of the performance metric in the itemName parameter. Optionally pass a string label to specify a label for the item other than its itemName.

void AddMetricDouble(string itemName, bool isColorCoded, bool isPctFmt, int decimals = 2, string label = null)

Adds a double metric value to a performance metrics report. Pass the Name of the performance metric in the itemName parameter. Pass true in isColorCoded if you want the values displayed in the report to be colored green if the value is greater or equal to zero and red if less than zero. Pass true in isPctFmt if the value should be formated as a percentage. Optionally pass a value in decimals to specify how many decimal places to use for the value's display. Optionally pass a string label to specify a label for the item other than its itemName.

void AddMetricInt(string itemName, string label = null)

Adds an int metric value to a performance metrics report. Pass the Name of the performance metric in the itemName parameter. Optionally pass a string label to specify a label for the item other than its itemName.

void AddMetricString(string itemName, string label = null)

Adds a string metric value to a performance metrics report. Pass the Name of the performance metric in the itemName parameter. Optionally pass a string label to specify a label for the item other than its itemName.

void AddSeparator()

Adds a blank line, or separator, to the performance report.