- ago
I'm recreating this new ticket since the previous two reporting (listed below) a while back have not fixed the problem.

If this is a WPF issue, then maybe WPF should be reevaluated in favor of Windows Desktop SDK.

10 Replies



- ago
I don't even recognize such problem, and typically I have a production build always running in the background for days.

To save you time let me copy over your report:

2. Laptop gets hot due to ~5-15% GPU and ~5-20 CPU constant load. That's during non-trading, when WL does nothing. When WL is not running the cpu and gpu are cool, even with a web browser with many open tabs. With just one open C# attached strategy: CPU: ~2.5%, GPU: 6.2%. Playing a high-res movie the GPU/CPU don't get that hot. Never had this issue with WL6.
(...) The laptop is a year-old Ryzen 5700 with 8 cores/16 threads and fast NVME SSD.

Maybe it's the saved workspace thing; have you tried not loading your workspace (which might be saved in a previous build and thus is having some compatibility issues)?
- ago
What do you mean "recognize such problem"? It's the same as the two links..

Here are some results - all on Saturday/non-trading/Nothing/idle:
. No window (no strategy, no chart), CPU/GPU: negligible.
. Started a new chart, CPU/GPU: negligible.
. Attached empty (default) strategy to the chart, CPU/GPU: 3%/4.6%.

 ( 14.34% )
- ago
Is a 4% cpu idle really a problem? There’s zero chance we’re going to completely rewrite WL again using Windows Forms because of something like this. I can’t tell if you’re being serious here or trolling us now??
Best Answer
- ago
That's just one window that causes 4.6 GPU during non-trading. During trading, I have 6 windows open and it gets to 20% GPU and the fan screams. So, no I'm really not joking.

 ( 14.34% )
- ago
Streaming and updating streaming charts for six windows is not going to just happen at no cost. 🤷🏼‍♂️
- ago
My PC fan doesn't emit any sound due to a low noise mode activated in the BIOS. There are software solutions that serve the same purpose:
- ago
I believe that its the chart update from the streamed data that causes the CPU usage. I ran a little test on my old 2-core kitchen laptop (instead of my 5950x because it would probably be hard to detect CPU usage anomalies on it).

If you're running a strategy in a chart or just streaming (no strategy) a chart then the CPU usage on the old clunker laptop was about 3.5%. If I minimized the chart window then the CPU dropped to about 0.7%. So, if you want to reduce CPU usage, and you don't need to view all the charts all the time, then see if minimizing the chart windows helps.

Taking a wild guess here, without the WL8 code (nor do I expect it :), the chart update code is probably causing the CPU usage. I doubt its the capture of live data from the data source (i.e. TD Ameritrade in my case) itself, because if obtaining live data was the culprit then you'd probably get very similar CPU usage with the chart shown versus minimized. Just thought I'd throw that out there for consideration. As for me, the CPU usage is not an issue. This was just interesting to investigate.
- ago
With respect, you are missing the point.

This level of load is on Saturday (today) - no streaming, idle.
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
Again, I don’t see a 4.6% idle cpu load an urgent problem.

I hear it’s frustrating for you but try and see the bigger picture. We have limited development resources and are already working more than full time to do the best we can making WL8 as good as we can. To suggest we completely scrap everything in favor of “Windows Desktop SDK” is a bit insensitive.
- ago
I understand. I'm hoping that maybe during development you come across a way to solve it.

Thank you for your time.


