update on known issue: Backtest error with enabled Benchmark Buy&Hold
Author: mkalayog
Creation Date: 8/20/2011 6:47 AM
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I wanted to get an update / link to fix on the following issue labeled as 'active' on the Wiki (my apologies is this was somehow fixed and discussed in the posts, I didn't do an exhaustive search - but I still have problems with it):

Backtest broken with Index Out Of Range message with enabled Benchmark Buy&Hold and a DataSet symbol doesn't contain dates within backtest range
Synchronization issue: enabled Benchmark Buy&Hold symbol breaks a multi-symbol backtest and generates an "Index Out Of Range" exception when backtested DataSet contains a symbol whose starting date doesn't fall in selected data loading range.

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It's a live bug recently discovered in 6.2 and existing on the Open Issues page.
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P.S. In other words, when it disappears from that list it's fixed, otherwise the issue remains.
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