Why The Class Constructor executes every time the Stategy runs?
Author: ivraju
Creation Date: 8/18/2009 11:32 AM
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when I execute the Strategy second time I am expecting Value "30" only.

I thought that the Class constructor executes only when I open the startegy and for all subsequent runs only the Execute() method gets executed.
But the results from this example show that the Class Constructor is running every time the Stategy runs? Am I missing something here?

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Unless you hit "Compile" in the middle, the Strategy should produce "30" for all subsequent runs (this is what I'm seeing).
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Note: Clicking "Run the Strategy" compiles and runs the strategy. Just hit F5, Go, or click a symbol to run a Strategy that is already compiled.
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Got it. I am clicking "Run the Strategy" button, that is why I am seeing those results.

Thank you.
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