Where to find available fields for "estimated earnings"
Author: bgood
Creation Date: 7/6/2009 8:24 PM
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I have been looking and cannot find what fields are available and how to easily access them for "estimated earnings" and "earnings per share". I would like to sum the prior 4 quarters of each and plot the data points on a chart.
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Help menu
> Fundamental Data Guide -> correction, this option is not there. See WLP 5 Fundamental Data Guide.pdf in the Wealth-Lab Pro 5 installation folder.

Help menu
> WealthScript Programming Guide: Fundamental Analysis

Tools menu
> Fundamental Data Items (drag and drop them into your chart)

Navigation toolbar
> Fundamentals (same as previous)

Function toolbar
> F button (same as previous)

QuickRef (F11)
> See examples in the Fundamental Data category
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Thank you that was helpful. Scanning the PDF file was interesting, but I was pleasently suprised to find the field names in the quickref. Is there a way to plot data beyond the Bars.Count? Specifically, I would like to plot the price and estimated earnings on the same chart (using log scaling) and compare the trend lines of price, earnings, and estimated earnings.
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Is there a way to plot data beyond the Bars.Count?
Not that I know of, but you can use PadBars(n) and project a line into that area. The two points that create the line must still lie on existing bars.
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Is there a simple method for getting the next "estimated earnings" data. I am using FundamentalDataSeries({name}, aggregage, offset) to get past information. Because "estimated earnings" are in the future, one might guess using -1 as the offset would get the next data method, but that does not work. What would you suggest?
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See the example in the QuickRef for Fundamental Data > FundamentalDataItems. Replace "assets" with "estimated earnings".

Or if you're just interested in the latest item that you can't plot -
Please log in to see this code.
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Unless I am missing something, the code example above will provide the last earnings estimate in the list which is many quarters into the future (maybe 8). I was looking for a simple method for the next quarters estimate. Clearly I could write a function to find the data, but I was hoping that there might be an easy method for this.
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Right, it's the last item. To find the first quarter off the end of the chart, use the "for each" method as in the QuickRef and stop when the first FundamentalItem returns -1 for the bar number.
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