Symbol Info Manager - Product type extension requested
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 12/1/2011 2:17 AM
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I would like to know why it is not possible to manage in the system info manager other values than only Equity and Future.
For example, I'm interesting to be able to manage CFD, Funds, ETF...

I need that because the commission can be differents depending on the product type.
Thanks in advance
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No, Fidelity won't be interested in introducing such changes. CFDs are not offered by Fidelity, ETFs are Equity, Funds we already have there.

There are other ways to differentiate commission without touching Wealth-Lab. How about looking up your Bars.Symbol in an external file (web server etc) where symbols match instrument types?
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I agree with you that I can manage outside this feature.

I can understand that for the WLP, the pruduct type can be reduced because of Fidelity. But, I would like to remind you that WLD is an international version. Some features must be extended because of that.
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Just to make sure we're on the same page your product type is Bars.SecurityType enum.

I'd like to remind that Fidelity is the owner of the product and they have their own business conducts. Based on experience, I'm just telling that for all practical purposes, extending this enumeration is hardly ever going to happen. Manager CFD, funds, whatever you like - modifying SecurityType is not required.
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