Stop loss never triggered
Author: dankimel
Creation Date: 8/20/2009 7:59 PM
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The following code is supposed to get me out of a position at the close or limit my losses to 3% with a stop loss order. However, when I backtest it on a data set, the stop loss exit is never triggered, even though some of the losses are larger than 3%. Any suggestions about what I'm doing wrong?

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The code unconditionally sells at the close on the bar after entry, so there's no active Position to sell when the stop order is hit.

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Thanks for the suggestion. But wouldn't your change never be executed since the code unconditionally sells at the close on the bar of entry(a day trade)?

What I want is for the position to be sold at the close on the bar of entry (a day trade) only if I'm not stopped out at 3% loss during the bar of entry.
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