Sqrt function
Author: andriuking
Creation Date: 7/2/2013 5:43 PM
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I´m triying to apply a sqrt transformation to a dataseries as says the link:


When I use Sqrt(ds), where ds is a dataseries, WL not recognise the Sqrt function. If I use Math.Sqrt, parameter must be double and not dataseries, so it´s not valid.

¿How can I apply a sqrt transformation to dataseries?

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When WL doesn't recognize a function, the compiler leaves a specific message and that should give a hint:

Errors | Strategy > Compiler error messages

Most likely, you forgot to add a using directive, like

Please log in to see this code.

I added an example to the Wiki page.
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Thanks Eugene and great example.

You are right, I forgot it.

Bit when I compile WL says me than can´t find the namespace Community, why? It says than perhaps there are not references.

How can I solve it?

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Before using, you should install Community Indicators and restart WL.

P.S. What it says is "Type or namespace name 'Community' could not be found". In the list of forum categories (or inside any forum category), there's a text box that does quick search (search as you type). After typing in the key word "found", you shall find some answers:

Type or namespace name 'Community' could not be found
Community.Components namespace cannot be found
Type or namespace name could not be found

Easy, right?
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Thanks Eugene.

I will use the search you said next time.

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You're welcome.
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