RT-data feed for Non-US/Fidelity costomers
Author: kurt.gruenzweil
Creation Date: 4/22/2010 2:59 PM
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Which sources or vendors of realtime datafeeds are available for European WLD5-users?
It seems that everything is restricted or designed for Fidelity/US-customers. But after all you're still selling the software to non-US customer. I pay $150 per year. So what kind of real-time data feed is available for customers who don't have a Fidelitiy-account, which solution do you offer for us.

Currently I still use WLD4 and IQ-Feed as my realtime data vendor.
But it's time to switch off the wonderful and simple but supportless WLD4.
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Unfortunately, real-time has been problematic for non-US users :(
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Several streaming providers are in the pipeline for this year. Here's the FAQ.

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This is a really substantial and critical issue for me. A sophisticated trading software without real time data is not really usable.
My maintenance period is running out in December. I hope it's fixed until then or I'm forced out.
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