Performance Visualizers Stay active even when unchecked
Author: Tobey
Creation Date: 8/8/2011 12:25 PM
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Hi Cone & Eugene,

The Performance Visualizer "Trade Life" keeps giving an error message.

I don't need it. So I unchecked it and moved it to the bottom of the list Then I rebooted the computer and restarted the program. But is is still showing up as a tab in the strategy widow.

What else do I need to do to deactivate the that performance widow?

Thanks for the help
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Do not open the saved workspace where "Trade Life" was active before. Selected visualizer set is saved with the workspace, this is how an unchecked visualizer might come back to life mysteriously.

So, reopen the strategy from scratch ensuring that the PV actually is disabled (double check) and you don't have a duplicate entry there.
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Hi Eugene,

Thanks That did it!

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