Performance Table and Equity Curve Start Date vs. First Trade Date
Author: novendeh
Creation Date: 6/25/2012 9:20 PM
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When these are displayed, they show performance from the start date. However, if actual trading date is much later (i.e., 52 week moving average, 200 day MA), the equity curve shows a flat line and the performance table shows results from the start date rather than the first trade (which occurs a year later).

Is there any way to show this info from first trade rather than start date?

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Thanks for the links. Too bad this can't be done.
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Actually, there appear to be two distinct problems here:

#1. Flat line of Equity chart
#2. Performance table showing results from the start date

Re: #1

Resetting the starting date of equity chart looks like a no-brainer, considering that we know the date of the first trade. I'll take a look at eliminating the "plateau" (flat line) when building our equity charts in MS123 Visualizers. Even if I succeed, the change is going to affect MS123 visualizers only. To request a similar change to the built-in Equity chart, I suggest calling your Fidelity rep and also entering a support ticket in our system.

Re: #2

This also can be done as one of the links say, but the effort is above average for the 3rd party visualizer developer and the built-in visualizers still stay unaffected until a similar change is sanctioned at Fidelity. I'm not considering this.
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Follow-up on #1.

Indeed, displaying the equity curve without a flat line seems feasible. I'm considering to add this feature as an option in a future version of MS123 Visualizers.
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Eugene - in another post, you indicated that you would be updating in one of the visualizers item 1. This is wonderful!!! Thanks.

I hope that this update will also include the buy and hold equity line.

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No, it will not include the Buy&Hold equity.
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I believe you are confusing the built-in visualizers with our MS123 Visualizers library. To think about it, the only one that displays Buy&Hold is the "Portfolio Inspector" visualizer. Furthermore, this will be the new look of MS123 Visualizers - without the "flat line".

As I said above, a similar change to the built-in Equity chart can only materialize if a sufficient number of Fidelity customers call in and tell Fidelity they want it. Technically, it's a no-brainer for the equity charts (and only!)
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