Need a way to update all index calculations in Index-Lab
Author: bgood
Creation Date: 7/27/2011 5:33 PM
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As I am working with Index Lab I am changing my data sets and getting everything organized. I find I need an easy way to tell WL to reload the data for all index calculations. I cannot find a way other than right-click->ReloadChartHistory. When I do a bad-data scan, I can create a list of bad symbols, stop WL, and delete the symbol files. Then I reload WL and update. This is much easier because I can write a script to delete the offending symbols. I tried this with a Index-Lab-Symbol.WL, and the system was very confused and thought the index was created but would not display it. How can I simplify the way to regenerate the data?
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Do not stop WL. Find the folder with Index Manager's .WL files while WL is running, and delete the file to reload its data on next symbol data request.
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