Is it possible to use one common strategy folder for multiple machines?
Author: aykuts
Creation Date: 9/8/2014 4:29 AM
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I have wealthlab set up on multiple machines, and, my usual course of utilizing these machines is to develop / R&D one one machine and trade/execute the final versions of the strategies on the other two.

In many cases, I find myself struggling with the process of updating / synchronizing the "strategies" folder of each of these independent machines (i.e. the standard folder with a path like C:\....WealthLabDev\\Data\Strategies).

Here is my issue: (Putting aside for the moment the necessity to re-launch WL evertime when the strategies folder is updated), is there a way, to have a common Strategies Folder for all of these computers, under network?

as a use case, it would be great if I could:
- develop strategies on one computer,
- save the final versions of the strategies under a common folder on the network
- make this common folder visible to other computers
- and click and trade these strategies from these two "trading" computers
- hence, eliminate completely the necessity to copy/paste/synchronize the respective Strategies Folder of each computer, everytime I update the strategy xmls?

the "network alternative" you mentioned under this post appears a good lead I suppose, but this is something I could not configure.

Thanks and Regards,

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Hi Aykut,

Have you reviewed the Wealth-Lab User Guide > Reference > Dialogs > Strategy Explorer > Network Paths to Strategies?
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Our "search as you type" is pretty effective given that it only searches by topic title - for speed sake. You can power up your searches by using Google's full-text content search with a special prefix "site:"

e.g. "keyword where "keyword" is "network path", for example
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