Invalid Benchmark Buy and Hold Symbol
Author: CarmaAdvisory
Creation Date: 4/22/2015 10:33 AM
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Hi all,

I'm testing a strategy that requires a 2nd data series so I use the command GetExternalSymbol. If I use SPY it works fine:

Bars spy = GetExternalSymbol("SPY",true)

But if I replace SPY with other symbols (for example "QQQ") the following error message appears:

Invalid Benchmark Buy and Hold Symbol: QQQ

Where am I wrong?

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According to the Open Issues list, it looks like some symbol (QQQ?) is null i.e. does not have data:

(182123) Invalid Benchmark Buy and Hold message for DataSetSymbols

When using SetConext in a DataSetSymbols loop, the dialog "Invalid Benchmark Buy and Hold Symbol:" is displayed when encountering a symbol with a null Bars object. This occurs even if Benchmark Buy & Hold is not enabled.

If on demand data update is disabled, try updating the DataSet and eliminate all of them with 0 bars.
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Thank you Eugene. It works now.
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