Equity curve on price chart?
Author: mikesblack
Creation Date: 8/3/2009 10:44 AM
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I would find it helpful to be able to have the strategy equity curve on the same page as the price chart. Is there a way I can make this happen?
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Ok - Here's what I've done:

"Trading Strategy" is one I created from (rules??? Does this matter?).

I am not getting any results from the back test.??

Sorry if this seems daft, but I have virtually no coding experience. I appreciate all your help- Mike

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I cut and pasted from the Wiki example. I need time to familiarize with code, because I have no idea what I am doing. For now, if there is an easy way to help me , I would greatly appreciate it. If not, I'm sure I'll learn it in time. I may be getting in over my head at this point. I do appreciate your time.

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It shouldn't matter if your strategy is rule-based or code-based. Double check the name "Trading Strategy". Make also sure that this isn't a factor: Can't execute a Strategy - I run it but nothing comes up. What am I missing?.
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Were you able to run the code? Any error messages at the bottom of the Editor window?
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No error messages, but no joy getting the equity curve up. Not sure. "Trading Strategy" is the name I gave the system. I changed the name to see if that would make a difference.
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Try with other strategies. Make sure to compile before using.
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Tried another system(Two bar breakout). I loaded symbol AAN and here's what I got.

" Run time error could not load data for symbol: EDUDL
at Wealthlab.strategies On Thefly.excicute{}

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The code runs fine for me using 5.4 - first running in MSB mode and then opening an individual chart to see the equity plot.

Looks like you're having trouble with some symbol (EDUDL) - for example, no data. That ticker is unknown to me, Y! Finance and Google.

Try running on a different dataset like Dow 30 and ensure the data is up to date for all its symbols.
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Strange. I am confused about EDUDL, but I think I understand how this works. Thanks for helping me out.
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