Data Manager Quits Updating Radomly
Author: joannakim
Creation Date: 11/10/2010 2:56 PM
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My Data Manager stops updating randomly. For instance, I just tried updating my data in the Data Manager, and it stopped after "S," and said that the update was complete. I exited the data manager, reentered, and clicked update data again, and it is now updating pass the "S:" it is now working on the symbols that start with a "t." Do you know why it is doing that? This gets to be a problem when it occurs in the morning during auto update because I assume that the data is ready to go when the market opens, and it is not. And then, this creates problems in Paper accounts like entering the wrong trade dates such as the day before.
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For the record, this was Fidelity data? Or some other provider? Or even mixed providers?
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It was Fidelity data.
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Are you going to be at the Las Vegas Traders' Expo next week by any chance? Please bring your computer so we can get a look at all of these strange problems!
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Hi Cone. Unfortunately, I live in the more boring region of the country: Boston/Cambridge. I probably would be a better trader by now if I had been acquainted with the Casino's odds rules. I, however, do attend the NY Traders' Expo in February every year. Are you guys planning to be there? Also, I am using mostly by desk top PC when using WLP because it is a more powerful, recent, custom built machine because of my need for 6 monitors. Do you think that my bringing a lap top to the expo will help? thanks.
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I've notice this is happening on my system as well. I manually go into Data Manager click on Update Data tab and click "Update all data for selected Providers now". I use Fidelity as my data provider. I had it start the download and it just seemed to stop in the middle of the download process with nothing more than 'Update completed' and a time. When I saw the time at 10 minutes, I knew it could not have finished as it usually takes closer to 30 minutes to update.

Should I create a support ticket or have you found the source of this problem?
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The only thing that I can think of that would cause that type of behavior is if it's running into a bad data file during the update and the error isn't handled properly. It's just a hypothesis, but I'll look to see if I can find a corrupt data file to test it. It would almost certainly help if you guys could isolate the point at which this occurs in your update by looking at the Update log.

Yes, let's get a ticket so the problem doesn't get overlooked.
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Recently I tried to manually start the update at 8am. It stopped immediately before getting the first request of symbols. I tried again. It stopped immediately. The third time was the charm and it seemed to continue processing all the datasets.

This morning it stopped prematurely twice. The last one I noticed after 9:30am EST, so I just didn't bother trying to do an update of prices while the market was open. Everytime it prematurely stopped was after 8am. I'm not sure if that shows a pattern or not yet.

I'll create a ticket to see if I can help isolate the problem.
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Hi Tim and all.

My Data Manager these days is more interested in not beginning the update at all on some days. There is no telling whether it will do the auto update at any given morning. Also I noticed that if it does do the update, it starts at around 7:46 AM rather than at the scheduled 7 AM which is not a big problem if it would be consistent. I think Fidelity might have staggered update schedules for different groups of people.

But my biggest problem these days remain to be the paper accounts being temperamental. This morning, it did not exit from one of the two positions that it got into. It is supposed to exit from all positions at market open, and obviously it doesn't do that consistently at all. I have been reporting my paper account problems for eternity it seems. Do you guys have any plans to improve the paper accounts in wlp?
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As far as I'm aware, Fidelity hasn't planned to change anything with Paper Accounts.

That said, Paper Accounts do have some limitations for executing stop and limit orders, but it's a surprise that market orders would fail for Paper Accounts. You should provide the details of this failure in a support ticket - and make sure to include the script, DataSet symbols, and anything else that you think is pertinent. Also, when something fails, you should snap an image of the Wealth-Lab environment (an image that containts the Strategy Window Alerts or Strategy Monitor, Accounts tool opened to the Paper Account, and Orders page - it would be worth 1000 words.
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We've just got an answer on the update time. When you first enable Scheduled updates, a random minute is assigned. If necessary, you can find (and edit) the precise minute in the ..\Data\WealthLabConfig.txt file. Search for RandomMinute and change its value to a number between 0 and 59.

In other words, if you schedule an update for 7:00, the update may start at any time between 7:00 and 7:59, however, it should start at the same minute every time unless you alter RandomMinute or delete WealthLabConfig.txt.
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