Bar Count Changing?
Author: thetraderman
Creation Date: 4/26/2011 2:48 PM
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Maybe it's my imagination but I label every 10 bars with its bar number just to keep track of the bar count as they come in. I use it to troubleshoot where I am within the chart for my signals. What I noticed but it is hard to catch is that after so many bars the count resets back to the initial value. As an example, if I set up my pane to contain 3000 bars at some bar to the future say 3080 the count get's reset back to 3000 as if the first 80 bars at the beginning of the pane are removed. Is there a way to prevent this? I do set the bar padding to 30 bars. Not sure if that makes a difference. Note, This happens in realtime on the one minute bars.
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It happens when:

1. you click Go or F5, effectively re-initializing the chart, or,
2. after a loss of connection, the chart is auto-refreshed to make sure the chart has the complete history.

If you need to anchor the starting point, use "Most Recent" or the "Data Range" loading options.
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