- ago
I have been trying to access data through the TD Ameritrade extension and have not been able to receive it. I called Schwab and was told that wealth-lab app is not being supported by Schwab. Is this true? If it is supported what do I need to do to receive data?
57 Replies



 ( 3.70% )
- ago
TD Ameritrade is supported for customers who created their TD Dev account and Consumer Key before c. 2022.

Schwab is still transitioning accounts from TDA, but they haven't gotten to mine yet. When they do, we'll have a Schwab provider ready in short time.
Best Answer
- ago
I wonder when we can access schwab account from wp WL?
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
Although we've requested access the API, it ultimately depends mostly on when they move my account.
- ago
I wonder if you have got the permission to use the api. If yes, I wonder if you can create a schwab account to test the api. My TDA account has been moved to schwab. I can't refresh my token anymore. I can't use TDA extension anymore
- ago
What is the status of WL connection to Schwab?
If is available what are the instructions to login? Currently I am not able thru my TDAmeritrade WL extension. Thanks.
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
Since we still haven't even been approved to use Schwab APIs yet, you should make plans for manual trading for several weeks at least.

When there's a status we'll let everyone know.
- ago
This question is so rapidly becoming a FAQ that I had to merge two duplicate topics (both created within one last week) with this one and make it sticky for a short while.
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
Response received 26 December 2023:

Full release of Schwab Trader API is scheduled to release once the documentation part is finished. Commerical developers are currently in the process of being reviewed and Individual developers will get approved then as well.

You would be able to track your application approval on Schwab developer portal under API Products at the top -> click on the requested API products card, and in the top right corner it will show the current status of your API request. Feel free to email traderapi@schwab.com if you have further questions on your Schwab API application process.

API Trader Support, Trader Services
TD Ameritrade
- ago
Any update with this? I got a notification. Of all td accounts transitioning to schwab in 80 days.
- ago
Any update with this? I got a notification. Of all td accounts transitioning to schwab in 80 days.

Me too.
- ago
Mine email says transitioning will be completed by 5 am on May 13th 2024
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
May 10th for me.
Let's hope they get their API straightened out and approve our API access request by then.
- ago
TD Ameritrade has been taken over by Charles Schwab. Does this TD Ameritrade connection extension able to work with Charles Schwab ?
 ( 8.31% )
- ago
No it won’t work, as soon as we get access to the new Schwab API we plan to build an extension.
- ago
Thanks for your response. Please let me know so I can try out Wealth Lab since my broker is Charles Schwab. According to Charles Schwab, the developer API has been released. Maybe that is not true yet.
- ago
I've subscribed you to this topic @cameronchu5524 (and got rid of the duplicate thread) so that you'll know if there's any development activity here.
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
So that it's clear and we don't have to keep repeating it, the earliest you can expect a Schwab broker Provider for WealthLab 8 is 21 May 2024. My account won't be moved to Schwab until 10 May and Schwab still hasn't got around to approving our request for API access.

Maybe the Medved Trader will get to it first.
- ago
Schwab API is still work in progress. Not all account types are supported, some types of data are not yet supported, so can't do public release yet, at least not in Medved Trader. I know their API team is working hard on getting things ready and I am sure they will not make it available to retail clients until it is complete. Otherwise, they will just waste a ton of time dealing with support issues.

On the plus side, their API is almost identical to TD Ameritrade's, so once released, updating existing code should be quick.

The big milestone is of course May 10, which is when the rest of TD Ameritrade accounts are going to be transitioned to Schwab, so I expect things will shake out before then.
- ago
I just received an email that the Charles Schwab Trader API Endpoints are live. So, progress has been made. Here an excerpt from the email:

A few things you need to know

■ Development can begin—for individual or commercial products—once your request for access to the Charles Schwab Trader API endpoints has been enabled and your application has been registered.

■ Authentication for the Charles Schwab Trader API endpoints requires a Schwab brokerage account.

■ Existing TD Ameritrade API endpoints, while currently still available, will be disabled after market close on May 10, 2024.

Didn't create a new account and register a new application yet?

If you want to use the Charles Schwab Trader API, simply visit the Charles Schwab Developer Portal to create a new developer account and register a new application. Once these steps have been completed, your application will be given a quick review—and we'll follow up, if necessary. Keep in mind, throughout the registration process, you'll be asked to sign new terms of use and agreements in order to move forward with the Charles Schwab Trader API.
- ago
I just received this same email. Any such progress from Schwab to our Wealth-Lab team?
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
There will be no progress until after May 12th.
- ago
Schwab still has a few bugs to resolve on their end. We are waiting for those fixes before releasing Medved Trader beta, but hope to have that before the transition. Some items can wait till after. Others... not so much.
Once released, would be available in WL via the MT Extension
- ago
BTW do you see approval for access to the Scwab API anywhere on the near horizon, or is that a big unknown?
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
It's on the horizon, but I cannot read minds.
- ago
I know Schwab is still working on a few bug fixes, particularly with market data. My guess is they are waiting for those things to be fixed before enabling API for wider audience.
FYI - you can use it via the Wealth Lab extension for Medved Trader, together with the MT beta (released Friday). We have workarounds for some of their issues and disabled options quote data and Level II until the other stuff is fixed.
- ago
FYI- we released an update for Medved Trader that works with Schwab. It should work with the Wealth-Lab extension for Medved Trader. there are some issues with Level II and options data, but that should not impact most WL clients. (those issues will be updated end of may)
- ago
Any update on wealthlab extension for Schwab?

In meantime I have gotten medved trader setup however, it lacks advanced trade processing example, issue a profit target and stop limit order simultaneously oco "one cancels other" style order. Can it incorporate this type of order or is that not available due api issues?
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
Really there's no need to ask about it. We will tell you when when our company has been "on boarded". It's not up to us.
- ago
Hi Cone,

I am tired of waiting, so I thought that I'd remind Schwab that there are WL users waiting for them to get you API access, and this was the response:

"Wealth-Lab isn't enabled for commercial use. You would need to contact wealth lab for more information on if they plan to create commercial apps."

I don't know if this was just a rubber-stamp response or if they've lost your request. Just an FYI in case it's of any use to you.

It seems like Schwab isn't any more helpful regarding the API than TDA was (to me, at least). So, if I were to give up on them do you have any thoughts as to whether Alpaca or Tradier (not IB) would be better? I use WL to place limit buy orders before the open, and then use WL after the close to place my limit sell orders for anything I bought. I was using TOS to convert unfilled limit sell orders to MOC orders after four days. Alpaca only allows that through the API, but perhaps I can do it, somehow, via WL. Tradier doesn't even offer MOC. I sometimes have up to 100 of these limit to MOC conversions to do, so, at the worst, I suppose I could use Wl to cancel the limit sell orders and run another Strategy to place the new MOC orders. It would be SO much easier if Schwab would be more helpful.

- ago
I'm not privy to plans or status of WL native Schwab support, but wanted to update those using Wealth-Lab with Medved Trader extension... Schwab is now fully supported for trading. Market data is OK, though no options and Level II. That and some other stuff (like support for TRUST account types) is waiting on an update from Schwab which is supposed to be released tomorrow night.

So, if you get the MT extension:
You can use Schwab now... as well as Fidelity and others that we support.

So far my experience daytrading with Schwab has been very good - their servers are VERY fast. As fast as TD Ameritrade. So regular orders that most WL users tend to make would be no problem at all
- ago
Sounds interesting. I look at the list of brokers here.


Does that mean you can stream data and trade in WL platform from the broker list above?
- ago
- ago
It looks like Schwab has dropped the API ball somewhere. They clarified what they told me :

"All commercial API users who wish to distribute their apps to users, whether it is for free or for a fee, must be onboarded through the commercial onboarding process. At this time, Wealth Lab does not have a commercial API profile with us and we have no record or indication that Wealth Lab has applied for a commercial API profile with us.

Schwab Trader API Support"
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
Really, we're on this. If you want to inquire about us on your own behalf, make sure to use our company name (it's not WealthLab).
- ago
Can you guys please provide a status update regarding the Schwab api?
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
The status hasn't changed.
- ago
Thanks Cone. Any rough idea when it might be done?
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
No idea. See Post #28.
- ago
No need for duplicate messages every couple of days. You just can check the Tools > Home Page in WL8 for updates. The extension will appear there.
- ago
Yeah, me again. Last time I'll ask about this.
Regarding Post #34, is the company name Quantacula? That's what Schwab just gave me a second response for.
Thank you.
- ago
@steinh What was Schwab's response?
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
Regarding Post #34, Schwab answered about a company called WealthLab, not Quantacula. Just look at the response you posted.

Posts here will not help.

- ago
Hey guys,
Did you get approved from Schwab for API access? Please give status update.
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
No, but at least the onboarding team has contacted us, and we responded within minutes. We're waiting like you are.
 ( 8.31% )
- ago
We haven't been approved or denied yet. We'll post an update as soon as we get any answer. They did come back and ask a few questions about Quantacula which we answered the same day.
- ago
They granted me access a few months ago, but I have been unable to get anything to work. Any changes are met with error messages. Trying to get a hold of anyone in developer support is a joke.
- ago
Thanks guys for the update.
 ( 8.31% )
- ago
Interesting, we've been developing a non-commercial connection and have been experiencing similar errors.
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
The good news is that the API appears to be relatively unchanged from the TDA days. Once we get turned on, we'll have this ready in "no time".
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
@bjtrademan - I'd recommend waiting for our provider. It'll be worth way more than $50 of your time.

But if you want to do it for some personal goal, just know that the documentation is all mixed up with terminology from older TDA docs.
Example: "Client_ID" and "CONSUMER _KEY" in the documentation both refer to the "App Key" assigned to your App.
- ago
@Cone, I mainly want to automate collecting my account balances at the end of each day. I do eventually want to use it with Wealth Lab as well. It is a real $hit show over there!
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
Our provider does that, no problem.
- ago
It is a real $hit show over there!

Totally should've shorted them last month!! (or bought a put option)
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
Here's an image to give you all some hope.. We're about 90% there with our Schwab provider using the Individual API. When we're "onboarded" I suspect the only change will be in the authentication. We're answering questions from Schwab every week now.

- ago
Thanks for the update Cone! Appreciate it!
 ( 8.31% )
- ago
Schwab has been sending us a series of apparently chat-bot generated "questions" in what seems like a stalling tactic. We'll probably release the individual connection extension, which means everyone will need to get their own API key and Schwab "approval." If they ever get around to approving our commercial API key then we can transition to that.
 ( 3.70% )
- ago
The Schwab extension is available now. We're calling it a beta. You can install the extension, but before you can use it, you'll need to create an App Key that may take a couple days to be approved. Follow the instructions on the Schwab detail's page.

Let's put this thread to bed and start a new one for comments and "findings".


