- ago
While testing SymbolInd, I get WL hanging. I prepared a video where you can see that this indicator cannot be loaded within five minutes and at this time WL freezes. Before that I tried to wait half an hour with the same result.

Perhaps these topics are somehow related:



Attached video:

7 Replies



- ago
This capture creates impression of data lookup going on when WL is hitting a data provider that tries to request the high frequency intraday data over and over. What historical data providers are enabled in the DM and in what order?
- ago
Eugene, hi!

I left only those checkboxes that are necessary for the test. Initially, there were much more checkmarks. The result hasn't changed.

- ago
Hi Denis,

On second thought, there's custom indicator (of your construction) involved: "Candles". Can you make SymbolInd plot plain vanilla time series like OHLC?
- ago

I set the standard indicator AveragePriceOHLC, everything worked fine.

I send the code of the indicator on which WL hangs. Previously, this indicator worked well.

using WealthLab.Core; using System; using System.Drawing; using WealthLab.Indicators; namespace WealthLab.Indicators {        //the VChart indicator    public class Candles : IndicatorBase    {       //parameterless constructor       public Candles() : base()       {       }       //for code based construction       public Candles(BarHistory source, PriceComponent pc)          : base()       {                   Parameters[0].Value = source;                   Parameters[1].Value = pc;          Populate();       }       //static method       public static Candles Series(BarHistory source, PriceComponent pc)       {          string key = CacheKey("Candles", pc);          if (source.Cache.ContainsKey(key))             return (Candles)source.Cache[key];          Candles vchart = new Candles(source, pc);          source.Cache[key] = vchart;          return vchart;       }       //Name       public override string Name => "Value Chart";       //Abbreviation       public override string Abbreviation => "Candles";       //description       public override string HelpDescription => "The Value Charts indicator developed by Mark W. Helweg. Applies a volatility based detrending to the source price component.";       //pane       public override string PaneTag => "Candles";       //access price component used       public PriceComponent PriceComponent1 => Parameters[1].AsPriceComponent;       //default color       public override WLColor DefaultColor => WLColor.Red;             //default plot style       public override PlotStyle DefaultPlotStyle => PlotStyle.BarChart;       //populate       public override void Populate()       {          //get parameter values          BarHistory source = Parameters[0].AsBarHistory;                    //BarHistory bh = new BarHistory("RI.RVI_1MIN_150505", Frequency.Minute);                    //BarHistory bh = GetHistory(bars, "RI.RVI_1MIN_150505");                    if (source == null)             return;          PriceComponent pc = Parameters[1].AsPriceComponent;          //set datetimes          DateTimes = source.DateTimes;                             switch (pc)          {             case PriceComponent.Open:                for (int n = 0; n < source.Close.Count; n++)                {                   Values[n] = source.Open[n];                }                               break;                                case PriceComponent.High:                for (int n = 0; n < source.Close.Count; n++)                {                   Values[n] = source.High[n];                }                                              break;             case PriceComponent.Low:                for (int n = 0; n < source.Close.Count; n++)                {                   Values[n] = source.Low[n];                }                               break;             case PriceComponent.Close:                for (int n = 0; n < source.Close.Count; n++)                {                   Values[n] = source.Close[n];                }                               break;             case PriceComponent.Volume:                for (int n = 0; n < source.Close.Count; n++)                {                   Values[n] = source.Volume[n];                }                               break;             default:                                break;          }       }       //generate parameters       protected override void GenerateParameters()       {          AddParameter("Source", ParameterType.BarHistory, null);                   AddParameter("Price Component", ParameterType.PriceComponent, PriceComponent.Close);       }       //get corresponding bar chart companion indicator       public override IndicatorBase GetBarChartCompanion(PriceComponent pc)       {          if (PriceComponent1 == pc)             return this;          return new Candles(Parameters[0].AsBarHistory, pc);       }    } }

Please help me understand what is wrong. Perhaps I made a mistake in the indicator code.
- ago
Looks OK on the surface. What's the point in choosing Candles when you can simply select OHLC in the SymbolInd indicator?
- ago

I used the Candles indicator earlier with the SymbolInd indicator and had no problems.

The AveragePriceOHLC indicator provides information only about the average price in the form of a line. The Candles indicator draws full-fledged candles. For my analysis, full-fledged candles are needed.

Were you able to reproduce the freezing problem?
- ago
Eugene, hi!

I recently tested this indicator again on the current version of WL (build 37).

The indicator works every other time. It seemed to me that it depends on the time settings of the chart, but I could not confirm this guess.


