- ago
This is a feature request to add how-to documentation about posting to the forum. Let's hope it passes; otherwise, it may turn into chaos.

7 Replies



- ago
Running with this idea: https://www.wealth-lab.com/Discussion/Add-anchor-links-6290#post5 (last line) and expanding, add a forum guide page to the website. Would answer questions like:

1. What the topics should be limited to. For example, can the user talk about Interactive Brokers TWS or just the Wealth-lab IB extension.
2. What the features of the forum are. For ones that aren't obvious like the post # feature just created.
3. What types of questions should go via email support. ie. Account questions, disgruntled users (Hey not happy? Give us a chance to help you 1-on-1 at support@...) etc
4. Do questions about external extensions (finantic) go here or somewhere else. Tagged with new tag or addressed to the good doctor.
5. probably quite a few others that I cannot think of right now.
- ago
I admit it may be fun for some to multiply our effort by make us write guides (that no one would read 😃). I asked to add this button years ago, another proposition was to add a smart search to the new topic dialog for it to show related discsussions on-the-fly.

In real life, people do overlook Sticky Posts and ignore the FAQ so this would be another extra button no one cares for.
- ago
The FAQ is in a submenu. Main menu better (IMPO). Multiple locations. Make the user trip over it to short circuit:


Move link. Add link. Measure. Profit!
Yeah the guide is more work. Could just be 5 bullet points for starters.

It's actually pretty cool having access to the dev team in the forum. We're usually hidden in the basement!
- ago
Forget about this button, no one would click it. Another idea I expressed was to make a 'forum guide' appear simply whenever a new topic is being started. As an overlay the author would have to read before creating a discussion.
- ago
make a 'forum guide' appear simply whenever a new topic

Or just make the link button to the "forum guide" appear on the editor window whenever a user tries to author anything (new topic or Reply).

This dynamic linking approach is bad for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), but for the forum guide, that may not matter. The search engines don't need to crawl the guide for indexing.


