Subscription Plans
Wealth-Lab is available again worldwide, including U.S. and Canada! Choose the Plan below that best meets your needs, and start leveraging the power of Wealth-Lab to boost your trading today!
Monthly Plan
$39.95 / month

Access the Wealth-Lab platform at a reasonable monthly rate.

Annual Plan
$299.95 / year

Represents a nearly 40% savings off the Monthly Plan.

Premium Annual Plan
$399.95 / year

Just like the Annual Plan, but also includes all Extensions developed by WealthLab! *

Third party data costs not included

Refund Policy

Monthly Subscriptions

When cancelling a monthly subscription, all future charges associated with future months of your subscription will be canceled. You may notify us of your intent to cancel at any time; your cancellation will become effective at the end of your current monthly billing period. You will not receive a refund; however your Wealth-Lab 7/8 access will continue for the remainder of the current monthly billing period.

Annual Subscriptions

When cancelling an annual subscription, all future charges associated with future years of your subscription will be canceled. You may notify us of your intent to cancel at any time; your cancellation will become effective at the end of your current annual billing period. You will not receive a refund, prorated or otherwise, for the remainder of the annual term. However, your Wealth-Lab 7/8 access will continue for the remainder of the current annual billing period.