WealthScript class extension
Author: RA81
Creation Date: 8/12/2009 12:33 AM
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I have a component about which you know (Eugene and Cone). It uses some features of my class WealthScriptEx. I can make up a strategy in a dll, then it works fine. But I wanted to make an example of a common XML strategy.
WLD do not launch a strategy if it formatted so. Compiles but does not launch.
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Is usage of the derived class of WealthScript possible? Or only WealthScript?
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This is not an experiment.
I just want to ask if any user can make own WealthScript class with several features and then create starategy from it in wealthlab strategy editor (when I use dll all is OK). It will be better than every time add additional code into a new strategy.

If this opportunity is absent, it will be a good reason to add this in later versions.
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sorry for boring you

if any user can make own WealthScript class with several features and then create starategy from it in wealthlab strategy editor (when I use dll all is OK)????

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I make a dll with new class
and then I create my strategy from it

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will this work In WLD strategy editor? or not?
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