Requesting a feature : allow an automatic update by launch external software from a command line
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 4/16/2011 10:47 AM
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At this time in WLD, there is an automatic update feature for online data provider like MSN, Yahoo...
This is a great feature. But unfortunately for me, my data is in a Metastock Data structure.

I'm interested to have a similar feature which allow me to launch from WLD at a specific time an external software from a command line for specified dataset (and/or data source type).
Thanks in advance.
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There must be some misconception: Metastock data -- or ASCII/WL4 data for that purpose -- can't be updated by WLD. It's updated externally, for example, by your data vendor. Once the data source is actualized, it can be re-read in WLD and updates will be immediately be reflected.
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My Data provider (Reuters Datalink) gives me a software which allows me to use a command line to update data.
To have a daily automated update process, I need to use Windows Scheduler. Why not WLD with this feature ?
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WLD doesn't have a way to communicate to Reuters Datalink. Windows scheduler launches the Reuters process and it updates itself.
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As an alternative it might be possible to write a C# script starting that Reueters process, and put it on Strategy Monitor to execute once a day (on any Daily DataSet, using "Daily strategy scheduling"). However, I doubt it would be as practical as using Windows Scheduler.
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I try to create a script like you recommanded but when I put it in the Strategy monitor, I have only one execution. It's look like that if there is no new bar, the script is not replay. Is it right ?
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I guess it has to do with the following: to run in SM, data provider has to be compatible with SM i.e. be able to request updated data from the data vendor. By design, neither ASCII nor Metastock provider (WL4Files, TradingBlox, PiTrading, Market Sentiment, CBOE among others) are compatible with SM.
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Thank you very much. It's clear.
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Forgot to add: run it on a SM-wise DataSet e.g. Yahoo!
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