Price Increase?
Author: toaxman
Creation Date: 12/25/2018 2:58 AM
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The author has stated "No Price Increases Are Ever Going To Be A Part of ETF Pairs Arbitrage Cirquemenatonenodz and Cirqueilquike." The new WealthSignals site has increased the price of my subscription. Was this a mistake?
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As I said toaxman and all of my susbscribers I had nothing to do with this, it was a mutually agreeable decision, though. Since it costs more to operate they asked me how much to raise it and if you need to read the most recent subscriber letters you'll see I had already explained that this was not in my control to stop the price increase and this was the price that had been agreed on and as long as is still around it should not ever rise again from where it was and it was actually the minimum once here..
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Still well worth it, thank you! Keep up the good work.
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All right, thank you for understanding, axman, that went for this website not one where I pay to list and collect subscription revenue from subscribers..I guess I should say the same goes for the next one but I doubt it'll come to that.

And apologies to subscribers for the most recent volatility. Trump's Hate Speech of the Fed with a Federal Reserve that is threading a needle that either puts us with great prosperity ahead or in the cusp of a recession but not what I would call a deep one.
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