Math on custom DataSeries
Author: iliakan
Creation Date: 7/19/2009 12:46 PM
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I created custom dataseries object for day volumes.

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But Wealth Lab refuses to apply maths to it.
E.g. Peak.Series(volumes, 7, PeakTroughMode.Percent); gives error in ctor about non-existing object reference.

What's up? Any special properties that I missed ?
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This is an unsupported way of creating data series. For the supported ones, please see the WealthScript Programming Guide, DataSeries > Filling a Custom DataSeries > How to: Create a DataSeries filled with zeroes.
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But when I create dataseries like "Close-Close", I can't Add any data to it.
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My DataSeries store price-indexed volume, not bars.
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Actually, the following method is better than what the Help writer was aware of at the time -
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Like the Close-Close method, this initializes a DataSeries filled with zeroes. You should not try to add data to it, instead change the data that exists to different values.
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My dataseries should be price-based. They keep "price -> volume" relation.
That's why I need to create them from the scratch.

The purpose of making them "dataseries" is: I want to apply WL Maths functions.
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I guess I don't understand what you're trying to do then, sorry. Is the idea to create a DataSeries that doesn't have the same number of bars as any other DataSeries that the script has access to?
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