Math functions
Author: dankimel
Creation Date: 4/14/2010 8:55 AM
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Where do you find the math functions supported by WealthLab 5.6? In particular I'd like to use the Square Root function, but would like to know also where the general reference to math functions is found.
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In MSDN, for example. It's C#, so Wealth-Lab 5.6 supports whatever math function the .NET framework supports.

An equivalent WealthScript function can't be found.
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P.S. By chance, if you're looking to apply square root to a DataSeries, then Sqrt in Community.Indicators can be used for that.
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OK. I looked up C# and saw Sqrt is the function for Square Root. I'm using the snippet of code
" double priority2 = limitMultiplier*Sqrt((1.0 - (Vix0-external.Close[bar])/Vix0));" to take volatility into account in a parameter. WL 5.6 gives me the error CS0103: The name "Sqrt" does not exist in the present context.
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Incorrect syntax. Look up Math.Sqrt in MSDN if you're planning to use it.
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