Include another column in "By Symbol" visualizer?
Author: mextrader
Creation Date: 4/29/2010 3:41 PM
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When doing Multi-Symbol Backtesting and going to the "By Symbol" visualizer it shows seven metrics per each symbol (profit, buy&hold profit, etc)... Is there a way to include another column in order to add more metrics to this visualizer?... if not in this visualizer, is there a way to export the data to another system (i.e. Excel) in order to calculate more metrics from the data?

Thank you in advance.

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Visualizers in general do not create custom columns, although it's possible to create your own, custom visualizer and make it show some performance metric(s). This requires a knowledge of .NET programming, and links to the Performance Visualizer API docs can be found in our Wiki > API, as well as a demo project featuring some typical visualizer tasks (report, table and graph.)
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Thank you Eugene.
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