How to protect my code
Author: dansmo
Creation Date: 8/16/2009 5:22 AM
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I saw this entry in the FAQ:
Is there a ChartScript Protector tool for WL5?

No, because developers can now distribute their Strategies in compiled form, applying any existing obfuscating tool in the market (or rolling out their own protection scheme).

Can you give more hints to this? I am completely new to C#. Which software can I use and how will this work?

Thank you,
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First of all: editable Strategies saved natively as XML files are not meant to be obfuscated, their source code wasn't meant to be protected. Therefore, this will work to protect your compiled Strategies from their code become human readable in a tool like Reflector.

As you'll be working with an IDE of your choice -- Visual Studio (free/paid) or SharpDevelop (free) -- you need to make sure the obfuscating tool supports it. Visual Studio (just not the free Express version) contains a built-in free "lite" version of Dotfusactor. Just google or bing for ".net obfuscator" and you'll get many offers from vendors.
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First of all: editable Strategies saved natively as XML files are not meant to be obfuscated, their source code wasn't meant to be protected.

But that is what I´d like to do. I develop strategies via the built in editor in v5 and I want to protect these, so nobody will be able to see the code. Is this possible? I thought of something like sending the XML file to a protection tool and send if back after protection.

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No, this is not possible by design. (How can you obfuscate plain text?)

You will need to compile the Strategy in an IDE like SharpDevelop or Visual C# Express 2008. At the risk of repeating the FAQ, there you have the freedom to do anything with your compiled code - program your own encryption or adopt an already available solution.
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You can not protect your code, so that it would be truly protected. For a good protection you will need to spend money, so I recommend just use something that says Eugene, compile the code in the dll.
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Actually, there are some free obfuscating tools which claim to protect your .NET code.

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Unless you do not trust that Wealth-Lab won't send your code to Fidelity (in which case you wouldn't use it in any case) your only worry is someone accessing the folder on your PC. Choose a good password and even a boot password. And chill out....remember most good strategies could be given away free and people couldn't make money with them.
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remember most good strategies could be given away free and people couldn't make money with them.
I know several people who earn money simple strategies, they do not hide.
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