Creating an average of the last 100 values of ATRP
Author: MikeyRules
Creation Date: 4/16/2010 11:58 AM
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I would like to calculate the average of the last 100 values of the ATRP indicator and keep that value in a dataseries. I have looked through the Wiki, the various guides and the forum but haven't been able to locate a way of doing this. Can anyone point me to an example of something similar? Thanks in advance
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Something like this?
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Eugene, why not with SMA.Series?

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The more ways to skin a cat, the better :) In the first approach, you can also eliminate repeating values of the ATRP, making an average of the unique values.
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That looks like it should do it, thanks! Am testing now. Quick question, why did you multiply artp.FirstValidValue by 3? Let me know, thanks.
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I do want all values, not just unique ones, so should I use Cone's for that?
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1 - See Indicators > Stability of Indicators in the WealthScript Programming Guide.
2 - Anything goes (not implemented).
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Got it, thanks!! I appreciate the help.
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