Batch run strategies - can that be done?
Author: RuneHS
Creation Date: 10/15/2010 4:01 AM
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I have lots of data separated into many data folders/DataSets. I work in "RawProfitMode" for rule-bu-rule or lab testing, and when I set WL to "Portfolio Simulation Mode" I have a routine that dumps out some data that I need (my code picks up "!IsRawProfitMode()..." and then dumps out trades and profit/loss per day).

Problem: to dump out my data, I have to manually open a script, set the Portfolio Simulation Mode, set "Shares/Contracts" to "1", and then run the scrip on DataSets one-by-one. And I have to do this for all the scripts.

Is there a "higher level code" or procedure within WL that can load scrips and run them on specific data sets, like in one big go or batch?
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Sounds like a task for the Strategy Rankings tool (Tools menu).
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