(paper) trading and real positions
Author: wouterv
Creation Date: 6/14/2011 2:22 PM
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I am finally happy with my strategy to start testing it on an IB trading account. For this my though was to let WL generate the alerts/orders.
Then I enter them in IB and adjust the positions in WL. Adjusting would be needed to change the entry price into the real entry price.
Also creating new positions would be needed when I am rolling over to new months.

Q1: Is this possible? I could not find a create order function to add positions that were not generated by WL

Second, I am heavily depending on a PosSizer I created with respect to position sizing. I read in another topic is that when running a strategy (so in my case, a screener I guess),
it cannot read live positions.

Q2: Is this true? If so is there a way around this so my screener picks up real open positions somehow before deciding on size for a certain alert?

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Q1: Use the SimTradeFile method in Community Components.

Q2: It's true. There's nothing stopping you, however, to create your own procedure that your script calls to validate live positions.
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