- ago
I just had a look at all supported data providers in extensions and choose the one which provides intraday history for 15y+ for stock market and has reasonable pricing policy... So will you support them or not? BTW can't see Alphavantage support in extensions
I don't want to live trade using them - just analyze the history
If this dataprovider is not OK with you please advise me dataprovider which is supported by WL extensions and provides 1m candles for 15years or more historical data from top exchanges and has reasonable prices. I want support from WL to schedule updates for dataset and save time on loading everytime text data to WL.
FYI Polygon.io is good dataprovider but it's not supported by WL
8 Replies



- ago
BTW can't see Alphavantage support in extensions

Alphavantage is built-in, no need to install extensions. Its subscription prices are higher than FMP's in general though. Keep in mind that the latter lets you get slightly more than 1 year of an instrument's 1-min historical data (300 API requests per minute, Starter plan) per minute - if you're lucky - whereas AV's monthly pagination and its 75 calls per minute limit would return roughly 5-6 years of data in the same time.

FYI Polygon.io is good dataprovider but it's not supported by WL

I reviewed it back in 2020 and last year, here's rejected feature request: Polygon Data Feed
- ago
Does Alphavantage provide 1m candles 15y+ of history? As I can see from the API only two years available... Am I wrong? So can I use Alphavantage and just click update data set for one minute data and will recieve all one minute data available from Alphavantage? or will recieve only 2 years? or two months?
- ago
Yes, AV returns 2 years of 1-min data.
- ago
But AV has premium API endpoint to recieve 20+ years of data... As I understand it's not supported at the moment?
- ago
I heard about it from you. Currently our AV provider doesn't support the Premium endpoint.
- ago
Eugene, can you please tell me which of supported data providers should I use to receive 15y+ 1m candles for US Stocks? Data provider which is nicely integrated with WL
- ago
Please take a look at the choice of available options, thank you:
 ( 12.77% )
- ago
I'd venture to say IQFeed. According to their web site they offer 11 years of historical one minute data:



