- ago
At startup, the Home Page shows whether the build is up-to-date. This request is to similarly show a message such as, "Out-of-date extension(s) detected, See Help/About."
19 Replies



- ago
And what about a more automated update process for both WL and the extensions?
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
Feel free to submit this as a feature request. In case you hadn't noticed, we’ve been bush churning out release after release with other requests implemented.
- ago
I tagged it as a FeatureRequest. Need I do more?
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
No, I was responding to alkamist’s idea for some automated update capability.
- ago
Hi Glitch,

I've definitely noticed the amount of features that have been delivered in a short timespan: there has been a new release every two weeks or so (sometimes less) and half of them with some serious new functionality: NeuroLab, MonteCarlo, etc. For a small team, you guys are a coding machine!

And that is why I didn't create directly a feature request: looking at the current wishlist, there is some very nice stuff in the pipeline already; and, having an automated update mechanism, although a time-saver, doesn't really add newer functionality (I can just as well download the files and do it manually, as is). Still, if that is something easy to implement, I would happily create a new request for voting; if, considering the current product architecture, it would be a bit too complicated, then I would be very happy to just stick with LenMoz current feature request (by the way, apologies for hijacking it a bit - I voted for it to somewhat compensate).

 ( 11.36% )
- ago
OK, but don't worry about not submiting a feature you feel might be too complex. We can let the votes decide and if something truly is out of scope we could always decline it. Anyway, yes I like the ideas here and it will be good to eventually bring the extension notifications more visibility!
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
Moved the Extension versioning info into the Home Page for Build 22!
Best Answer
- ago
Thank you I guess, but...

Your implementation...
1. Forces me to scroll down to see if any extensions are out-of-date.
2. Wastes screen real estate that could be used to display additional recent strategies.
3. Probably took more development time than what was requested

What I asked for was a simple message,
show a message such as, "Out-of-date extension(s) detected, See Help/About."

Implement the user request, not some elegance that you think is better.
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
- ago
You're welcome! Hopefully my comments will cause you to focus on the user experience as you implement future enhancements.
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
I'm already focused on the user experience. Just because you don't like how I implemented a request does not mean that I'm not focused. It just means that you would have done it differently. The fact is, we aren't going to slavishly implement every request exactly as worded. Our job is to make the best product we can, with the big picture in mind.

The fact that you question my focus and doubt our intent really strikes me as unfair.
- ago
1. Forces me to scroll down to see if any extensions are out-of-date.
2. Wastes screen real estate that could be used to display additional recent strategies.

You can use Default Workspace feature to make it look better I guess).
- ago
strikes me as unfair.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I apologize for that.

I had thought this through before making my request. What does the user need to know? Only that one or more extensions are out of date. Are the specific installed and current revs important? Not really, only that they're different. The functionality to see revs already existed, in Help/About. I'm guessing you built those revs at startup. Simply tell the user he may want to look there today.

I am only trying to improve WL7.
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
No worries. Let's try and improve this at least ...

2. Wastes screen real estate that could be used to display additional recent strategies.

This isn't really true because the space it's occupying was originally used by an ad rotator that I removed.

What if we sorted the out-of-date extensions to the top automatically, while giving the top section a little more vertical room? That should give you the information you want without the need to scroll.
 ( 11.36% )
- ago

- ago
This isn't really true because the space it's occupying was originally used by an ad rotator that I removed.
You freed up valuable real estate by removing the ad rotator. What to do with it? Allow more space for recent strategies? Leave it available for future use? Use it to redundantly show Extension revisions already available in Help/About? I would suggest "revision info" is a poor choice.

And I get back to the original request, "Notify of out-of-date Extensions". That's still not fulfilled.
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
You are notified by the red notification at the top of the extension list. I'm sorry it didn't meet your level of excellence, but I think it's hard to argue that it doesn't satisfy the need.
- ago
I was looking for this request thread to say thank you so, thank you!

I actually love that it lists all the builds that are out of date and it's right when you open up WL. Some of the other new features so far of the latest build (25) are great too.
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
Thanks so much for the encouraging words! It's really appreciated!


