- ago
If I open an existing (code based) strategy and enter a symbol, I only see a chart without any indicators my strategy uses. It seems the strategy never ran. This doesn't happen every time, but I think I found the pattern.

1) open strategy from home page by double-clicking on 'Recent Strategies'
2) click on Chart tab
3) enter symbol on chart

As I said, this doesn't happen every time, but it seems if Strategy Settings tab was last saved with 'Backtest Data' on 'Portfolio Backtest' then entering a symbol on the chart tab doesn't run the strategy. Entering a symbol on the chart only seems to work if 'Backtest Data' is on 'Single Symbol'.


To be honest I liked the way WL6 worked better. I would select the dataset or symbol on the Datasets pane before opening the strategy and it will show the dataset or chart tab for the strategy. In WL7, every time I change the Backtest Data it wants me to save the strategy and I don't remember making changes to the strategy... but the settings have changed due to changes on the backtest data. I use the strategy to review securities more than code. This second section is probably a #FeatureRequest more than a bug. I ran into this bug because I'm tired of WL7 saying I need to save a strategy every time I want to look at another symbol.
8 Replies



- ago
Entering a symbol on the chart only seems to work if 'Backtest Data' is on 'Single Symbol'.

I see the same.
- ago
I'm tired of WL7 saying I need to save a strategy every time I want to look at another symbol.

When a strategy is opened, you can expand a DataSet and click its symbols to rerun the backtest. As simple as in WL6. No need to save anything.
- ago
1) I was having issues there too. If the strategy was last saved with Backtest Data tab set to Portfolio Backtest, clicking on the symbols didn't run the strategy -- it just showed a chart without any of my indicators.

2) The more common way I use a strategy is to select a symbol in the dataset first, and then open the strategy. When I do using WL7, the strategy is opened on the C# Code Editor tab and the Dataset view is replaced by the C# Coding QuickRef. I'd prefer it stay on the Dataset view and display the Chart tab (similar to WL6 behavior). It gets annoying when I've completed developing a strategy and want to use it for trading assistance.
- ago
1) Yes, I already noted this is my experience too. Dion, is this intentional or a bug?

2) WL7 was designed from scratch. We need some balance here as many other subscribers, including those who never saw WL6 and/or used Quantacula before, may have a different opinion on this point.

When you click through symbols of a DataSet after clicking "Run Backtest", your choice of Chart is preserved while the strategy reruns on a new symbol.

btw, you can drag and drop a symbol or DataSet into the Backtest Data field and it will get recognized.
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
1) Nope that's just how it works. If you have a DataSet selected, then you'll need to first run the backtest. After that point you'll be able to click symbols that are IN THE DataSet and see the results update in the chart. If you click a symbol NOT in the DataSet, then WL7 won't re-run the Strategy, erasing your old results. You'll just see a chart of the symbol with no Strategy indicators, trades, etc.

If you run in single symbol mode, WL7 can run the backtest each time a symbol is clicked.
- ago
1) I've been having trouble getting symbols to run showing the strategy chart. Now that I know better how the Backtest Data affects runs, I'll see if it is less confusing.

2) I expected that to be a FeatureRequest. It sounds like it would conflct with how the Backtest Data works now.

On the drag & drop... I tried it and I like it... however, if the Backtest Data is on 'Single Symbol' and I drag & drop a dataset on the tab (but not on the text box), it only runs on that symbol. If I change the tab to Backtest Data, I'll see that the dataset name did change. So the steps...

a) Open strategy and click on Strategy Settings tab.
b) Check to see what dataset is specified in the 'Portfolio Backtest' tab.
c) Click on Single Symbol tab
d) Drag & drop dataset from Datasets pane and drop somewhere on Single Symbol tab but not on the text box.
e) Run strategy -- you should see only single symbol backtest run.
f) Click on Portfolio Backtest tab and you'll notice it is the dataset you dropped.

The reverse doesn't appear to work. When Portfolio Backtest was the active tab, I couldn't change the symbol by drag & drop.
 ( 22.69% )
- ago
Ideally, probably, the tab would switch to the context of what you're dropping, DataSet or Symbol. This probably doesn't make the category of "bigger fish to fry" though :)
- ago
I get it. I'm just trying to find ways to run the strategy similar to WL6 -- typically from the dataset view. WL7 might be better designed for the fully systematic trader who wants to execute strategies and place trades directly with their broker. WL6 was very restrictive for that due to its ties with Fidelity, but it was good for the discretionary trader who uses the strategy to assist with trades that will be placed manually (like myself).

When opening a strategy, WL7 seems designed to jump into developer mode (Initial tab code editor) whereas WL6 was better for traders to use a strategy as it would open on the chart (or dataset). Editor is good for developers but confusing for trader or tester when sharing strategies. I think I've made it clear that the constant saving after back testing strategies from an open strategy is annoying too.

I have shared strategies with other traders in the past. Most of the time I ask them to help me with the testing of the strategy. Putting them into developer mode when they open the strategy can be a bit confusing for someone who isn't familiar with developing software.

It might be something I have to accept using a new trading tool. I'm just sharing my observations as I get used to the transition that might help in the future design.


