- ago
I using Extension API of DataSetProvider let WL7 to read MySQL

open WL7 to display the dataset, and the symbol(s) is also fully displayed

then run backtest with this dataset on WL7,

the problem that occurs is that after the run backtest, Symbol(s) Loaded is not complete symbol data. The complete data has 626 Symbols, and the Symbol(s) Loaded result is 600 or 57x...618

and I clicked on the Symbol(s) Loaded to re-execute the run backtest, and the loaded data is different from the last loaded data. The missing data is not fixed, it's random.

What is the logic behind ?

First Run Backtest result:

Clicked Symbol(s) Loaded Second Run Backtest result:

Run Backtest code:

using WealthLab.Backtest; using System; using WealthLab.Core; using WealthLab.Indicators; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace WealthScript2 { public class MyStrategy : UserStrategyBase { public override void Initialize(BarHistory bars) { } public override void Execute(BarHistory bars, int idx) { } } }

9 Replies



- ago
"N symbols loaded" does not necessarily indicate an issue. Have you verified that all your symbols have data in daily scale? You can check it in the Data Manager.

P.S. I wonder whether your DataSet Provider API choice is on purpose because usually we build static providers against this API:

Probably because the symbol list is fixed with what's included in your MySQL table and it makes little sense for on demand symbol entry capability such as in New DataSet Wizard (although these too can be limited like Metastock or ASCII), right?
- ago

"N symbols loaded" does not necessarily indicate an issue. Have you verified that all your symbols have data in daily scale? You can check it in the Data Manager.

The dataset in data manager information.

The data has been sorted by bar count ascending.


P.S. I wonder whether your DataSet Provider API choice is on purpose because usually we build static providers against this API:

Is using GetHistoryInternal of HistorialDataProvider ?

In the GetHistory of DataSetProvider explain : WL7 calls this method to request historical data from your DataSet

Isn't use GetHistory ?

- ago
Is using GetHistoryInternal of HistorialDataProvider ?

Not quite sure what you mean. Your class that inherits from DataSet that overrides GetHistory and returns data.
- ago

Dion, what else do you think the difference in symbol count vs. symbols loaded could be attributed to?
 ( 10.92% )
- ago
The only explanation is that some of the symbols returned null or zero bars. Perhaps the HDP is coded in such a way that the parallel processing of WL is causing sporadic symbols to error out and not load.
- ago

Perhaps the HDP is coded in such a way that the parallel processing of WL is causing sporadic symbols to error out and not load.

I thought so at the beginning.

I repeated the code several times and used log4net to print the log, but couldn’t find the problem. no returned null and zero bars.

GetHistory is written like this:

public override BarHistory GetHistory(string symbol, HistoryScale scale, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int maxBars, GetHistoryControlBlock cb) { if (!this.Symbols.Contains(symbol)) return null; if (scale == null) return null; BarHistory barHistory = new BarHistory(symbol, scale) { SecurityName = symbol }; using MySqlConnection connection = DbUtils.GetConnection(); string querySymbol = String.Format(@"SELECT symbol_code, symbol_name, stock_code, date,     open, high, low,     close, volume, amount, pbvalue FROM `re_nct`.`all_data` WHERE symbol_code = '{0}'", symbol); MySqlCommand commandSymbol = new MySqlCommand(querySymbol, connection); MySqlDataReader dataReaderSymbol = commandSymbol.ExecuteReader(); TimeSeries tsAmount = new TimeSeries(); TimeSeries tsPbvalue = new TimeSeries(); DateTime dateTime; while (dataReaderSymbol.Read()) { dateTime = DateTime.Parse(dataReaderSymbol["date"].ToString()); double.TryParse(dataReaderSymbol["open"].ToString(), out double open); double.TryParse(dataReaderSymbol["high"].ToString(), out double high); double.TryParse(dataReaderSymbol["low"].ToString(), out double low); double.TryParse(dataReaderSymbol["close"].ToString(), out double close); double.TryParse(dataReaderSymbol["volume"].ToString(), out double volume); barHistory.Add(dateTime, open, high, low, close, volume); double.TryParse(dataReaderSymbol["amount"].ToString(), out double amount); tsAmount.Values.Add(amount); tsAmount.DateTimes.Add(dateTime); double.TryParse(dataReaderSymbol["pbvalue"].ToString(), out double pbvalue); tsPbvalue.Values.Add(pbvalue); tsPbvalue.DateTimes.Add(dateTime); } dataReaderSymbol.Close(); barHistory.NamedSeries.Add("amount", tsAmount); barHistory.NamedSeries.Add("pbvalue", tsPbvalue); DbUtils.CloseConnection(connection); return barHistory; }

- ago
I'm by no means a MySql expert. Effectively, what you're doing isn't much different from the way the WL6 database provider requests data from a database. However, due to improvements in WL7 you have to pay attention to thread safety.

1. Is DbUtils.GetConnection is a singleton?

2. Have you tried to reuse the connection vs. DbUtils.CloseConnection?

3. Are MySqlConnection and ExecuteReader thread safe?

 ( 10.92% )
- ago
You can easily see if parallel processing concerns are behind any anomalies by using this pattern to force the HDP into non-parallel mode:

public override BarHistory GetHistory(string symbol, HistoryScale scale, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int maxBars, GetHistoryControlBlock cb) { lock(_lock) { //your HDP logic } } private static object _lock = new object();
- ago
@Eugene @Glitch

I will try again.



