- ago
Strategy running, can I lower my percentage in the middle? I have it set to 2.5% every week or so. Can I bring that down? Or am I stuck with my choice.
2 Replies



 ( 23.86% )
- ago
There's nothing to prevent you from changing a strategy parameter... but it can have consequences.

Do you know if the strategy perform better over time historically, when using 2.5%? Why did you use 2.5% to begin with?
- ago
Good question. My answer, is, yes. My strategy was pretty good. I based this answer on a couple things.
1. changing my parameters by moving my loss threshold from 18 to 15; and I moved my gain from 2 to 2.5%. This did indeed prove out to be beneficial. I should have trusted my instincts. And back testing and a thorough review of the charts. Confidence, against the Wealth lab "illuminati" did not win out (humor).. I didn't trust myself.

I opened a copy of my strategy, moved it down to 1.5%. and with my two purchases (now I really get margin) and I dragged the copy with new parameters into the strategy monitor., turned off the 2.5 and turned on the 1.5. Then deleted the 2.5. I was able to sell at 1.5% when we hit 40.40. And we did. So I made 1.5 in under a day. And last week I made 2% in a day.

So, my 2.5% would have produced more. I sold once last week. and I sold once this week. I"m grossly aware as my account sees an increase of funds from moving funds around, that I should see no flag as a pattern day trader.

Am I rich? Nope. Did I pay for an average lunch for 5 days. Ya. So it's a win.
And I learned.

Gordon Gecko did not get things right. Greed is not good. And the old idiom "A fool and his money are soon parted" ---step by step. If we never learn - or try then what do we have? Nothing. I have free lunch for a week.



