 ( 11.38% )
- ago
Before you update to Build 77, be aware of the following:

- We now target .NET8 instead of .NET6. The install will prompt you to install .NET8 if you don't already have it installed on your system.
- .NET8 made the setup installer about 3x as large. In future Builds we'll include a download of WL8 only without the .NET8 pre-requisite so that download will be smaller.

With this in mind,

- Be sure to also update any WealthLab extensions along with Build 77. Especially extensions like PowerPack that use charting. Older versions of PowerPack won't work with Build 77+
- If you use finantic extensions, you might want to hold off on this update until DrKoch gets his extensions up to date with .NET8. Some of the finantic extensions won't work with Build 77.
- If you only use finantic.Indicators, that's OK as it will work with Build 77.

- If you use your own custom compiled extensions or strategies, they should work with Build 77, providing they don't use TeeChart chart components (we updated the TeeChart version.)
- If you run into any issues after updating just let us know.

- We've had a report that the reboot required after the .NET8 install potentially disrupts to WL8 Home Page automated update feature. We recommend you download and run this Build 77 update from the web site Software/Download menu.
45 Replies



- ago
In WL8, I went through the usual sequence of checking the components to be updated, and then started the update. The extensions installed fine, as far as I know. When the installer got to point where it needed to install Desktop 8.0.1, then I let it install it. It then requested a reboot. I rebooted. The installation continued, but it then ran into a source file not found error...

Retries did not work. I went to the WealthLab 8 folder and the exe is gone.

So, I downloaded build 77 installer from the website and ran it. WL8 B77 installed fine, but when I ran WL8 more extensions came up that needed to be updated. Thought I should mention that in case that is not expected.

So, I checked the extensions to be updated. Then I got an error indicating that there is no update folder: C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Roaming\WealthLab8\Updates. Clicking Cancel Upgrades does nothing. Clicking the close icon closed the error dialog.

I reran WL8 and then it came up indicating it could not obtain WL8 and extension info from I guess I may have caught a point where you were doing an update.

I ran WL8 again and it indicated the same components required an update. I started the update, but I got the same error - no update folder. I was likely not running the app as admin. I checked for that folder, and it exists. It has the extension installation executables present. I ran each manually and then installed fine.

I ran WL8 in admin mode, ran a strategy and it ran A-OK.

- ago
I downloaded the updates for the extensions via the homepage and then installed them. Then you don't need the installer.

However, all my strategies no longer work because the finantic extensions have not yet been adapted (as stated in the text above). I can't create a new strategy either. When I go to create a new building block, I get the following error message:

Now I have to wait until finantic has adjusted everything. Then hopefully everything will work again.
 ( 11.38% )
- ago
Did you read the READ THIS FIRST?

I specifically mentioned this would happen, and to hold off if you're using the finantic extensions.
- ago
Unfortunately, I only read it afterwards. That won't happen to me again :-)
Perhaps Dr. Koch can already estimate how long the updates will take.
 ( 11.38% )
- ago
Paul, it looks like the reboot required by .NET8 disrupted the Home page install, sorry about that. And it looks like you'll need to re-install those extensions.
- ago
Glitch - I manually installed the extensions, and its all working fine.
- ago
Thanks for your work! With the announcement of the upcoming upgrade to .NET8 a few days ago, everything went smoothly!
 ( 11.38% )
- ago
Well there are a few "glitches" but aren't there always?

We'll see how it goes, but thank you, it could have been worse for sure!
- ago
The upgrade is fantastic! One thing in particular that is nice going to C# 12.0 is file scoped namespaces, which gets rid of one level of indent in C#. I noticed that if you specify a new C# strategy that the code does not use file scoped namespaces. Perhaps that is something to consider for a future release. (Doesn't impact me, I use external editor and libraries.)

 ( 11.38% )
- ago
I'm not sure if we want to make the template code use newer C# features, since people might export Strategies to other folks who haven't yet upgraded. But maybe eventually!
- ago
Updated. Everything went smoothly. Thanks!

Upd: some exceptions related to System.Xaml.XamlParseException appeared when running Strategy Evolver

Upd 2: after the second restart of the program they did not appear again
- ago
Is it possible to temporarily deactivate the finantec extensions? I have not found a way to deactivate or uninstall individual extensions.

I also noticed that the PriceGrid extensions have disappeared in the new version.
- ago
You can delete finantic-related DLLs from the installation folder under Program Files manually. That's the way to uninstall extensions. Thankfully we don't have a user friendly way to uninstall extensions, I recall how many unnecessary support calls that caused in WL6.

The PriceGrid entries are present for me, are you sure you've reinstalled them?
- ago
A new installation of the chartpatterns extension has worked. The removal of the .dlls from finantic also worked. Now WealthLab is working for me again. Many thanks for your help!
- ago
If you have done the update and use finantic extensions, I have just found out that it seems to be only the scorecard extension.
You can even continue to use the extension. Simply remove the file finantic.ScoreCard.WPF.dll from the installation folder of WealthLab and everything will work again. Maybe it will help someone.
- ago
I attempted to install WL8 B78. I started WL8 build 77 in admin mode. Build 77 was running fine. I checked Build 78 and let it download. I went through the typical prompts for update. After download and OK'ing the install dialog, I get the following:

I canceled the install. I checked the folder noted in the dialog. The WL8 Build 78 installation is present in the above noted folder. Admin has full rights to the folder.

I'll install it manually from the folder. But, I thought you should be aware of this issue in case there is something to be fixed with the B78 installation. If you need more info, please let me know.
- ago
Norton AntiVirus is flagging virtually all Extensions as infected and deleting them from the PC instantly:

Not the program file, only the Extensions.
 ( 11.38% )
- ago
Paul - that's what we fixed for Build 78. Future upgrades from the Home Page from this point forward should not have this issue.

Sammy - if you trust Quantacula you can flag these with Norton as false positives:
- ago
I know antivirus software can overly sensitive sometimes.
Just wanted to give feedback in case somebody's extensions got deleted mysteriously and they couldn't figure out why.
 ( 11.38% )
- ago
Thanks it's good to know, but unfortunate. It's impossible for us to know what particular signature is triggering this, so if people do submit these false positives it will possibly be enough to cause Norton to stop flagging them.
- ago
Thanks for the note that


causes chaos with the update, if you delete that one everything else runs great with B78.

- ago
Just installed the updates, from v76 to v78 (and including .NET 8), using the built-in upgrade mechanism.

The process went without issues, including 1 restart in between.

First quick-impressions: the application definitely takes a while longer to load (over 1m). However, the backtests are, without a doubt, faster than before - at least for me...
- ago
I've also noticed a decrease in RAM consumption. No issues so far
- ago
It looks like the finantic I am trying got an update. Do we know if it is safe to update if we are using any finantic extensions?
- ago
Do we know if it is safe to update if we are using any finantic extensions?

The only finantic extensions known to not work with Build77+ are:

This is due to breaking changes in the graphics library used by WL (TeeChart).
I am (very) busy getting these extensions to work again.

All other should be ok. Please report if you see problems.
- ago
Is there any idea when the finantic extensions will be compatible with Build 77/78? Or the .NET8?
- ago
Updated from B76 to B78 as well as required Extensions yesterday. Appeared to go OK.

Couple of wrinkles:
1. When installing the program it also installed .NET Desktop Runtime v8.0.1, as was expected. However, after that and the program update were installed it never asked to restart PC which one would've expected. Anyway, I restarted the PC (and have done it several times since as well).
2. The *only* place where I see Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 8.0.1 (x64) mentioned is under Control Panel>Programs>Programs and Features. When I looked in C:\Windows>Microsoft.NET and checked various folders and their subfolders and randomly checked 15-20 DLLs they're either v4.x or earlier, didn't see any v8.x.

Should I be worried? Or just ignore it as WLab appears to be running fine?
- ago
@Sammy_G - look in C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk for the various .NET installations. If 8.0.1 wasn't installed then WL8 wouldn't run.
- ago
I checked the version of dotnet.exe located in C:\Program Files\dotnet and its 8.0.1xxxx so its all good. Thanks Paul !!
- ago
@Sammy_G: and here: C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App

I know Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 8.0.1 gets installed as part of the update, but not sure about .NET sdk 8 (my previous message), because I already had it installed.
- ago
Under C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk the folder with the highest vrsn is 6.0.321

Under C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App the folder with the highest vrsn is 8.0.1
- ago
I no longer see the Undo/Redo option in the right-click menu in C# Code Editor, they were super convenient there.. Now they're only available under the Edit menu at the top.
Is there a setting or a trick to see them in the right-click menu? If not, are you able to restore them there?
 ( 11.38% )
- ago
Looks like a .NET8 side effect, we’ll have to take a look about that menu.
- ago
I no longer see the Undo/Redo option in the right-click menu in C# Code Editor

I won't even notice their absence. To strike Ctrl-Z / Ctrl-Y is far more efficient than to position the mouse, right click, select either option, click on it.
- ago
We all work differently.
- ago
Using B78/.NET8.x.

Just discovered an issue: WLab no longer offers to save an (unnamed) C# strategy.
Easy to verify: Create a new C# strategy, clone an existing one or open an example code from Quick Ref... make some changes... when you click the 'X' button on top right the strategy just closes and you lose all your hard work. Didn't check Building Block or Meta strategies.
Previous builds always brought up a dialog box asking if you want to Save it, etc. Not only was it important for saving your work but it also worked as a safety net against accidental closure/deletion.

Hope this gets fixed soon.
 ( 11.38% )
- ago
Good catch, we can get this rectified for the next release.
- ago
- ago
Also, in a building block strategy...

Create a building block strategy and save it.
Modify something on the design surface like a value or drag in a new condition.
The Save button does not become active. If you go to the Strategy Settings tab does the save button become active.

Maybe that is how it is suppose to work, but perhaps the Save button should become active if you make any change on the design surface, especially if you drag in a new condition. However, clicking the close button will prompt for saving unsaved changes.
 ( 11.38% )
- ago
Thanks Paul, have this one taken care of now too.
- ago
Hello everybody,

are the problems solved now, so that I can update to newst WL-Version?
I saw a new version of finantic score card (thanks Dr. Koch).

LG Marko :)
- ago
Post #33:
Looks like a .NET8 side effect, we’ll have to take a look about that menu.

Looks like this fell through the cracks. Hopefully it's fixed in the next build or two.
- ago
There are much more important developments (MedvedTrader's integration in the first place), additions and fixes consuming time and effort every day to bump up this insignificant menu so meticulously, Sammy.
 ( 11.38% )
- ago
No worries, and thanks for the reminder. Fortunately it was a four keystroke change to get our custom menu working again in the updated Editor control.
- ago
All finantic Extensions are now updated to WL Build 77+ (.Net 8 and new TeeChart Version).


