Connects several news providers to Wealth-Lab: eodhistoricaldata, marketaux, and worldnewsapi. This allows Strategies to access thousands of news articles.
$49.95 / Lifetime
Try before you Buy! Download the Extension for a 14-day free trial before purchasing.
(all Extensions require a Wealth-Lab Subscription)

finantic.News - Access news articles with Wealth-Lab

This extension supports several news providers, downloads their historical news feed to a local Wealth-Lab database and makes all information available in charts and coded strategies.


  • Loads all available information from the news provider, for example some providers contain a sentiment value for each news article.
  • Displays all useful information in a chart
  • All information sent from the news provider is stored locally in an internal WL database and accessible from a coded strategy.


70+ stock exchanges all over the world, 150,000+ tickers. Mostly news from Includes sentiment values for each news article.


Over 5,000 news sources globally in over 30 languages. They track over 200,000 entities every minute from over 80 markets worldwide. Includes sentiment values for each news article.

tiingo covers 65,000+ tickers, Articles are added instantly as discovered.

WorldNewsAPI gives you access to thousands of news sources in over 50 languages from over 150 countries. Includes a sentiment value for each article.


  • Subscribe to a price plan at the news provider's website.
  • Get an API Token from the news provider's web page.
  • Select the news provider in WL8 Data Manager->Event Providers.
  • Enter the API Token.

After installation there are detailed step by step instructions for each provider in WL's help files.


A paid subscription to the news provider. (The free plan is limited beyond reason.) The cost of news provider's news feed is NOT included in the Premium plan fee or the extension price.


The third party data is subject to the availability of the respective provider (website) and may be delayed or inaccessible periodically due to network or technical reasons. As the data is not guaranteed to be accurate, it is your responsibility to confirm that it does not contain errors before utilizing it for any type of backtesting or trading activities. Quantacula LLC and finantic are not to be held liable for any errors in market data or its unavailability.


Event Providers
All News providers are implemented as Wealth-Lab Event providers and configured and activated in Data Manager->Events Providers.
Settings for EODHD News Event Provider.
Settings for Marketaux News Event Provider.
Settings for Tiingo News Event Provider.
Settings for WorldNewsAPI News Event Provider.
News Events in Charts
The news events can be displayed in a chart. A tooltip with relevant information opens for every news event.

Change Log

Wealth-Lab 8 Build 1 - 6/26/2023

Initial Build. Support for four news providers:

