Using Rules for simple close out position x minutes before EOD
Author: TJMC
Creation Date: 10/17/2011 10:43 AM
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I am trying to convince a friend that WL is his best starting platform. However, demonstrating the simplicity of the Rules-based generator, he asked:

"How do you ensure you can close out position at x-minutes before end of day trading?"

I see how to do that in code that can be compiled, but not from drag & drop. Can anyone help me see what must be obvious? Thanks.
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You might have already seen this recipe in the WealthScript Programming Guide (Programming Trading Strategies > Alerts > How to: Alert for AtClose Signals) for code-based strategies dealing with EOD data.

For rule-based strategies, a Date/Time condition from Community.Rules, "Intraday Rule: Time is later than HHmm", could do the job (for application on intraday data).
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