Select Dataset update for Fundamental Extension
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 11/15/2011 4:09 AM
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Except if I'm wrong, you cannont select a list of Dataset to define if you want an update of fundamental data from Fundamental extension selected.

This is a problem for me. As I'm trading Mutual Funds and stocks and have also several data providers (Bloomberg, Reuters Datalink...), when I ask to update Fundamentals data (like with the news extension), the system requests update to all my dataset. But only a few of them can work with the update (because of symbol codification which are not compatible with).

For you information, my Mutual Funds database is a big one (more than 10 000 symbols). Because of that, the update takes to much time.
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Highlighting a DataSet in the Data Manager and selecting "Update DataSet" (not "Pricing") will also update all enabled Fundamental data providers. This way you can update all compatible DataSets one by one and temporary turn Fundamental providers off for the purpose of performing the big update using "Update all data".
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