Priority Adjustment PosSizer: value based on indicator's value
Author: wmrgrove
Creation Date: 9/29/2012 12:22 PM
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I have a question and need some help on the Priority Position Sizer. I would like to adjust the position size for next trades based on the status of an indicator. Say if EMPlus ( for example )is above x and below y priority is set to, 0 to .3, ect, ect. Can this be done and if so could someone post a simple code strategy that I could work with.

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks, Bill

The LAB WIKI suggests this can be done

Priority Adjustment

This PosSizer lets you adjust the percentage of equity in relation to priority magnitude.
It's possible to assign a custom priority value to a Position in Strategy code via the Position.Priority property. This easily allows to control the position sizing for the various signals.

•Assign 10% to a position on condition A (priority = 1) and assign 20% to a position on condition B (priority = 2)
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Of course it's possible. Have you already seen the QuickRef code example for Position.Priority (hit F11 in Wealth-Lab)? Simply assign a priority value to your position after its creation depending on the EMPlus value:
Please log in to see this code.

Then configure the PosSizer accordingly. Let the forum know if you had a problem.
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