PlotSymbol: Plotted DataSeries has fewer bars than the symbol being charted
Author: bobydesi123
Creation Date: 5/3/2010 7:20 PM
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I am creating a chartPane and trying to plot a symbol besides the "default" symbol that is plotted in PricePane.
Following is part of my script:

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I am running the script by clicking .NDX in the dataset displayed in the datapane. The dataset is a 15min interval dataset. Both the .ndx and adbe belong to the same dataset. The script compiles fine but generates a runtime error
Plotted dataseries has fewr bars than the symbol being charted

what am i doing wrong?
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TryBars are empty.

You wanted to use GetExternalSymbol vs. creating a new, empty Bars object.
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Oops, i guess Cabernet and coding dont go together :), thxs.
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One more question, when u plot a symbol in pane other than pricepane, it does not display the o/h/c/l/datetime when u point cursor to it (like it happens when symbol is plotted in pricepane). why? If u plot any other indicator in "other" panes the cursor does display indicator value & date/time. Is there a way around it? thxs.
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One more question, when u plot a symbol in pane other than pricepane, it does not display the o/h/c/l/datetime when u point cursor to it (like it happens when symbol is plotted in pricepane).

Probably because it's not the real, underlying chart symbol. If/when Fidelity listens to community request for bringing back the WL4's Data window, the DTOHLCV from a virtual symbol may get displayed there - but this is my speculation.
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Thxs, i guess there is no point in my asking u if and when fidelity may listen to community requests. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hope that pigs grow wings and start flying soon !:).
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