FirstValidValue with Synchronize
Author: thodder
Creation Date: 2/20/2010 10:13 AM
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I started getting errors in my script when I attempted to use FirstValidValue as a point to start my for loop. It seems Synchronize will zero out the value. Is this correct? I noticed a few comments related to the Synchronize method that may indicate that it could be expected behavior, but it seemed odd to me. Here is an example which should show what I mean:
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The test parameters were the following:

Bar Scale: Daily
Data Range: 3 Years
Data Applied: Symbol IJK
Backtest Performance
Testing Mode: Portfolio Simulation
Starting Capital: $100,000.00
Position Size: 10% equity

I don't think the settings for this strategy matter other than using scale = Daily.
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Nice catch. FirstValidValue is set by the indicator code, so a Synchronize needs to keep track of the bar of the FirstValidValue and apply it to the first correspondimg bar in the lower scale.

If you don't mind, a Support Ticket would help us track this one. tia.
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Support ticket created.
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Thank you.
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