Drawdown per trade
Author: bgood
Creation Date: 10/27/2009 10:56 AM
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I would like to display the drawdown per trade when backtesting. When I look at the trades that a strategy makes it shows me the profit and loss per trade. However most profitable trades have drawdown in them. While I can see the max-drawdown on the Performance-tab, I cannot figure out how to view the max-drawdown per trade.
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Sounds like it's the built-in MAE graph that you need. Check out the MAEAsOfBar code example in the QuickRef for the code-based way of looking at maximum adverse excursion. Also, take a look in Preferences > Performance Visualizers > MAE / MFE in the User Guide on how to make the best use of Wealth-Lab's native MAE visualizer.

P.S. Although it's not exactly the drawdown per trade, another point of interest is the Trade Life chart in Community.Visualizers.
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Use the MAE/MFE Visualizer. Right click and change "Percent" to "Dollar". The result is a distribution (in bins).
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Hello Eugene and Cone,

Thank you for the good pointers. While it is not exactly what I wanted, the pointers are very helpful and provide an alternative way to see what I was looking for. I found that I did not have the Trade Life visualizer enabled.
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If not the MAE, can you tell us please - what's the max drawdown per trade?
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