Cursor in Editor is Messed Up
Author: mjduffin
Creation Date: 7/9/2011 12:58 PM
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I ran into this problem occasionally in an old WealthLab, but remember that closing and re-opening the script file would always fix it -- not so in WL6.2.

Anyway, what happens is as follows. The cursor, instead of being displayed as a blinking line (1-line H x 0-space W) becomes a blinking block (1-line H x 1-space W) -- and this cursor is impossible to edit with.

For instance, characters can't be added to the middle of an already existing line because the cursor deletes characters as it moves over them in either the forward or backward direction. -And things only get more complicated from there.

I've tried copying the entire script text to a new file but the altered cursor comes along with.

Any ideas on this one welcome.

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Have you hit the Insert button?

What you just described is Insert pressed.
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No, I've never used the Insert button before. I'm certainly glad to know how to correct this editing situation and will look into what Insert does.

Thank you.
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To be clear, we're talking about the Insert button on your keyboard. The function of inserting or overwriting works this way for every editor that I can think of (Word, Wordpad, Notepad, etc.), not just Wealth-Lab's Editor (QWhale Editor.NET).
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Sorry, my response yesterday should have read:

Yes, I must have hit the keyboard Insert button. -Didn't
recognize the blinking-block cursor as I had never used
this Insert button before.

Thanks again.
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