Converting Simple Parabolic Rules to Strategy
Author: zozzy
Creation Date: 5/16/2010 2:38 PM
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I used Rules to create a simple strategy to SEll at Parabolic Stop and BUY at Parabolic Stop. I checked all 3 sliders for both SELL and BUY. That gave me 6 slider, which seemed like 3 too many. The strategy worked, but there were only BUY signals, no SELL signals. Plus optimization says that 6 are too many variables.

Attached is the Script that resulted. What can I do to amke this BUY and SELL and be optimizable?

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Very simple:

1. Eliminate the 3 unnecessary (duplicating) variables (slider4..6).
2. Replace the missing variable names accordingly (i.e. slider4 should become slider1 etc.)
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