Break statement for program flow
Author: bantruong
Creation Date: 3/15/2010 2:44 PM
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I'm setting up a stock screening script that screens through thousands of stock symbols in a dataset. If a stock doesn not meet a certain criteria, I need to skip this run and go screen the next symbol. The reason is to stop the script from unessesarily executing more codes below. It is similar to the "break" statement in a for loop. I tried "end", "stop", "break" without success. Please help.

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I tried "end", "stop", "break" without success

WL5 uses C# - a full-fledged programming language. Don't just try some incantations, please scroll down to How do I start with C# ? in the Wiki FAQ to review some of the 101 level tutorials we collected there.
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Thanks. It's C#. How could I forget that?!!
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