Bad Tick Filter
Author: thetraderman
Creation Date: 7/8/2011 8:31 AM
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I did a search and also looked at the guide and really couldn't get a good answer to a question I have which really more opinion. From your experience do you (Cone/Eugene) use the Bad Tick Filter and if so what is a reliable value? I know they mention less then 1 % but what would you recommend? I know this is a sunjective question. A few times on the 1 minute bar I noticed that the low or high spiked real quick; hit my stop and then went in my direction after I was out. Specialist taking out stops something all traders need to deal with.

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It depends on the market you're trading as well as on data feed quality...
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As example QQQ using fidelity as the datafeed. Mostly high volume stocks and ETF's.
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I know ttman is using Fidelity streaming (fed by Activ Financial since 6.0) and frankly it's the best/most solid streaming feed I've used.

I'd set it at a multiple of the greatest % spread you'd expect to see for the least-liquid market you're trading. For example, if you trade penny stocks, then the number probalby needs to be higher than 1%. For Nasdaq 100 stocks, less than half that probably (just a guess).
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