Access Daily external series within intraday code
Author: dankimel
Creation Date: 10/6/2009 3:51 PM
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I'm working on an intraday code and would like to access the stocks of my DataSet as well as the Nasdaq Composite Index on a daily scale. Is the following code the right way to do it?
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Right, although if you have .ixic in more than one DataSet/Scale, then you should use the parameter overload for GetExternalSymbol to specify the DataSet's name (5.4 and up). Also, I'm not certain that it makes a difference for a symbol name, but to be safe you should use the same case (.ixic or .IXIC) as the symbol in the DataSet.
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By the way, if you're accessing a Daily source directly, SetScaleDaily/RestoreScale should not be required.
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