Ichimoku Cloud
Ichimoku Cloud indicators
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Ichimoku Cloud
IchimokuCloud is an indicator library that contains a group of indicators developed in the 1960's by Japanese market analyst Goichi Hosoda. Originally intended to be plotted on weekly charts, these indicators can be applied to data of any scale. The set includes two specially calculated moving averages, tenkan-sen and kijun-sen, that signal bullish and bearish crossovers. Averages of these indicators are then plotted 6 months ahead in the weekly chart, and form clouds that indicate an uptrend when prices are above the cloud, and a downtrend when prices are below. The indicator package includes the following indicators:
- Chikou Span - lagging span
- Kijun Sen - base line
- Senkou Span A - leading span A
- Senkou Span B - leading span B
- Tenkan Sen - conversion line
Evaluate Trends
The trend is up (down) when price is above (below) the cloud, and, when in the clouds the market is judged to be trendless.

Drag & Drop
Plot the entire set of Ichimoku companion indicators with a single drag & drop, or save it as an Indicator Set to quickly select in any chart!

Easy Editing
Customize all aspects of Ichimoku plots for your custom application.

Use it in Building Blocks
Chikou Span, Senkou Span A/B, Kijun Sen, and Tenkan Sen - they're all ready to use in Building Blocks!

Change Log
Wealth-Lab 8
Build 3 - 2/9/2024
- Target .NET8.
Wealth-Lab 8
Build 2 - 9/27/2022
- Set FirstValidIndex for some indicators.
Wealth-Lab 8
Build 1 - 4/10/2022
- Initial WL8 release.
Wealth-Lab 7
Build 2 - 1/10/2022
- Flagged ChikouSpan indicator as peeking into the future.
Wealth-Lab 7
Build 1 - 3/9/2021
- Baseline release.